Friday 21 - Sunday 23 March 2025
Wolfbrook Arena Addington

Exhibitor Tool Box

Here are some tools you can use to tell your customers that you’ll be at the Canterbury Home Show this year, and what you’ll be doing there.

Use either of the below images in a Facebook or Instagram post, within an email/newsletter to customers, on your website or within your email signature.

Here’s how: Hover your mouse over the image. Right click and select ‘Save Image As’ and save within your folders. Then place these on your Facebook page, within an email campaign, on your website etc.


Suggested copy (edit to suit your business):

🚨 We’re heading to the @Canterbury Home Show! 🚨
🗓 Friday 21 – Sunday 23 March | 📍 Wolfbrook Arena

Looking to upgrade your windows and doors? Visit us at Stand XXX to see our latest product range and designs in action! Our experts will be on hand to show you how our innovative products can transform your home and answer all your renovation questions.

🎉 Plus, enjoy FREE ENTRY and FREE PARKING!

We can’t wait to see you there! 👋


*Don’t forget to mention any special ‘Home Show’ deals you’ll be offering, AND/OR, any new products you’re launching!

Next Home Show

Square Social Media Show Hero Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post. 


Square Social Media Show Outdoor Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post.

Square Social Media Show Hero Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post. 


Square Social Media Show Outdoor Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post.

Square Social Media Show Hero Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post. 


Square Social Media Show Outdoor Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post.

Square Social Media Show Hero Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post. 

Square Social Media Show Outdoor Image: Suitable for use as a FaceBook and Instagram Post.

We suggest you copy the below show information and ticket link and paste at the end of your post blurb:
🎟 Get your FREE ticket:
📅 DATES: FRI 21 – Sun 23 March 2025
📍 Wolfbrook Arena, Addington, Christchurch | 140+ Exhibitors & Brands | All under 1 roof
Email Banner:
Use this an eDM banner in your emails out to your customer database.
Official Show Logo with bi-line:
Right hand click to download and save for use. You can crop edit to remove the bi-line for use on smaller artwork where the font of the bi-line is not clear. 


As an exhibitor within the Canterbury Home Show, there are valuable opportunities available for extensive brand exposure in the lead up to, during and following the Show via your own social media channels and website, along with our established online channels and customer database.

With our vast, targeted marketing campaign + a ‘nesting’ consumer market, this years Canterbury Home Show will deliver successful results right when your business needs it the most; but you’ll get even better ROI if you tap into these tips to promote your involvement in this show.


Firstly follow our social channels and interact with likes, comments and shares where appropriate. 

Canterbury Home Show Facebook:

Canterbury Home Show Instagram:

Our basic hashtag: #Canterburyhomeshow2025 #canterburyhomeshow 

Our name/handle to tag our pages – both FaceBook and Instagram: @canterburyhomeshow 

*Bonus tip: add these and any other hashtags relating to your stand in the notes section of your phone so you only have to copy and paste rather than type each time and remember them


Post on Social: Post during the weeks leading up that you’re at the show on any and all social channels you have. 

Tools: We’ve created some generic social media sized image files that you can share. Just download from below.

Event Post: We’ve made it easy to let your followers know you’ll be at the show, just download and share the artwork created on this webpage to your social channels.

Post Ideas: Drum up some excitement by running a ticket giveaway to your followers using the complimentary tickets you receive from us. Have you got Show exclusive pricing or offers – post those pre-show. 

Stories: Instagram stories is a great place to share ‘behind the scenes’ footage; you can show your team packing up or packing into the show, setting up your display areas, even a transformation Before/After compilation of your stand space, or time-lapse your set up process. This will get visitors excited, and also they’ll know exactly what to look out for.  


During the show you and your team are going to be exclusively focused on facing the public, and too busy to take up time working on social media during the show!

Make it easy: Our suggestion is to pre-schedule 2-3 posts to cover show days so they automatically publish; things like generic product / service / hero images along with the message to come see you at the show work well.

Show days: If you do have time to be agile onsite, whip out your device and film a promo clip at the stand, or a sneak peek so customers will add you to their list to visit. Or even take a walk around with your camera and share some of your own highlights of the show as the days go on.

Home Show Content creation: Our team will be on the floor shooting promo videos of various exhibitors, features and products, as well as live streaming workshops and seminars; but they can’t make it to everyone as much as they’d love to; it’s an effective team, but small.

Tag and share, we’ll do the same: Use the #CanterburyHomeShow2025 on Instagram Posts. And Tag us on your Instagram stories and FaceBook posts @canterburyhomehow – that way we’ll see it and often we’ll repost it to our audience on our stories too.


Post: A ‘great to see you, see you next time’ at the show post. It’s always a good way to jog peoples memories, about a day or 2 after the show or even a ‘throw back Thursday’ post of any images you took at the show.

Share: We normally do a highlights video at the end of the show about 2-3 days afterwards and you are welcome to share that from our pages. 

Reminder post: A week later you could post ‘Final days of Home Show special pricing’ if that is something you offered. Or ‘Extended offer’ for anyone who saw you at the show.